This Week’s Worship Service

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Mom Says

May 9, 2021
A mother’s warning to her son.

Love causes change!
As Christ followers, we are always in a constant state of growth.
The role of the Church is not to judge the world, the role of the Church is to introduce them to Jesus.

The Day Death Died

April 4, 2021
This is the day death died, the day Christ arose from the grave!

Amazing Grace

March 28, 2021
Culture doesn’t define what is right and wrong; God’s Law does.
How do we prepare the hearts of others to receive the Word?
When sowing, the seed, which is the word of God, falls upon hard soil, rocky soil, thorny soil, and good soil. Which type of soil are you?
The tenth of the Ten Commandments is that we must not covet.
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