Missions Sunday
Date: May 22, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: | Pastor Brad Holmes
Missions SundayDate: May 22, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: | Pastor Brad Holmes
Missions SundayDate: May 15, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: John 8:1-11 | Pastor Jim Gulish
Gods kindness brings us to repentanceDate: May 8, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: 2 Peter 1:10-11 | Rachel Gulish
Promises, Prayer, PowerDate: May 1, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Colossians 3:12-14 | Pastor Jim Gulish
Becoming the holy people of GodDate: April 10, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Hebrews 9:11-15 | Pastor Jim Gulish
Series: The Story of Scripture
Atonement through the Cross, for us to be “at one” withDate: April 3, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Mark 1:14-15 | Pastor Brad Holmes
Series: The Story of Scripture
Although many of us have heard of the Kingdom ofDate: March 27, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Exodus 12 | Pastor Brad Holmes
Series: The Story of Scripture
In the third week of our series, The Story ofDate: March 20, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Genesis 12:1-3 | Pastor Jim Gulish
Series: The Story of Scripture
Gods plan to redeem humanity unfolds in the covenant withDate: March 13, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Genesis 1-3 | Pastor Brad Holmes, Pastor Jim Gulish
Series: The Story of Scripture
The Bible is the most cohesive piece of literature everyDate: March 6, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Jonah | Pastor Jim Gulish
A brief overview of the Book and JonahDate: February 20, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Mathew 28:19-20 | Pastor Jim Gulish
Series: Discipleship Pathway
Looking into the vision of DWC with discipleshipDate: February 13, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 13 | Pastor Jim Gulish
Making Love your aim in all things.Date: February 6, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Luke 11:37-54 | Pastor Jim Gulish
Series: Stewardship and Lordship
A look a Lordship living through integrity.Date: January 30, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Malachi 3:6-10 | Pastor Brad Holmes
Series: Stewardship and Lordship
For many of us, it’s far easier to recognize JesusDate: January 23, 2022 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Luke 6:27-38 | Pastor Jim Gulish
Series: Stewardship and Lordship
Stewardship: The Missing Piece To Successful LivingSmall Groups – 9:15am
Worship – 10:30am
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Tustin, Michigan 49688
(231) 829-3070