A Fish Story Date: October 25, 2020 (Sunday Morning) Bible Text: Luke 5:1-11 | Pastor Jim Gulish We are called to be fishers of men; obediently following A Fish StorySound System Tech2020-12-04T13:55:14-05:00
The Book of Ephesians Ch. 5 (Part 2): Be Filled Date: March 22, 2020 (Sunday Morning) Bible Text: Ephesians 5:8-20 | Pastor Jim Gulish Series: The Book of Ephesians Bible Text: Ephesians 5:8-20 | Speaker: Pastor Jim Gulish | The Book of Ephesians Ch. 5 (Part 2): Be FilledBrandon Brinks2020-03-26T21:09:36-04:00