Satan’s Attempt at Quoting Scripture Date: October 3, 2021 (Sunday Morning) Bible Text: Luke 4:1-13 | Pastor Jim Gulish Series: The Scriptures That Jesus Used Jesus was tempted with Pride Satan’s Attempt at Quoting ScriptureSound System Tech2021-10-03T13:50:18-04:00
The Book of Ephesians Ch. 6: Battle In The Heavenly Realms Date: April 5, 2020 (Sunday Morning) Bible Text: Ephesians 6:10-18 | Pastor Jim Gulish Series: The Book of Ephesians Bible Text: Ephesians 6:10-18 | Speaker: Pastor Jim Gulish | The Book of Ephesians Ch. 6: Battle In The Heavenly RealmsBrandon Brinks2020-04-09T20:52:07-04:00